I am a Back-End Developer working with Laravel. My Interests right now is developing video games for fun with Raylib & Unity. Here is my GitHub.
GPA: 3.451
My duties for this job is to help get the lab and professors ready with equipment for their classes, and setting up the lab computers. I deal with both hardware and software. I also help those who need directions inside the building and help students who have trouble using Linux, and software in the school lab.
Working as a Backend Developer using the Laravel Framework.
These two portals were made for the SOS app for our client in our CSE 455 course, in this course we get assigned real clients who want us to improve an existing app for them. Our client wanted an SOS app which alerts the University police of your location and you can write a message and choose what type of emergency you are in. I was in charge of modifying the portal for this App that either the Admin and Police can access to see if there is any Alerts, with a view of the map which you can see of where the alerts are. The app also tells the portal what floor are they at. I made changes to the portal by integrating the template, and making the map it's our page and pop-up, since their was issues integrating the template with the map, made the banner, and using a turtorial to make the chat bubbles from the users of the app when they send you a message. I also had to figure out how the back-end worked so I can correctly format that information coming from the database in the bulletin board and chat bubbles.
I worked on a personal website for a client that is a ecommerce shop that has blog posts, and CMS for my senior project.
I worked on the sound effects and composed music for a game in my CSE 441 Game Programming course. I also wrote several C# scripts for Unity for this project, Sound Script and Enemy Attacks.
A place where users can vent and the AI will give them advice or positive feedback.
All the Web Projects I worked on.
This website was built with Laravel + Laravel Backpack as the Backend, the Frontend is a premade website template that I integrated to work with Laravel. Which I deployed on a LAMP Stack and used Let's Encrypt on the web server.
A web app where users can vent and the AI will give them advice and positive feedback.
Send me an E-mail for my services, questions, or job opportunities!